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Selectmen's Minutes October 07, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 7, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:02 pm.

SUBJECT: Revaluation Letter  
PRESENT: Gary Roberge- Avitar Associates of NE.,Inc.

Mr. Roberge apologized to the Board for the mix up involving the timing of the revaluation letter being received and reviewed by his office.  He was not aware at the time he spoke to Selectman DeBold on the telephone, that the letter had been sent to his office several weeks prior and he had not been apprised of it.  The Board thanked him for his apology.

SUBJECT: Snowmobile Trail Easement
PRESENT:  Kevin Gagne-NH Traildawgs & Roger Leroux-NH Snowmobile Association, County Director

Mr. Gagne was here to finalize the snowmobile trail easement. The Board asked for the following conditions to be met in addition to the conditions set forth by the Conservation Commission; a gate be placed at both ends of the trail and a 10MPH speed limit be posted the entire length of the town’s right of way.   Mr. Gagne agreed to take care of both items.  The Board agreed to sign the easement for a period of one year.  

Representatives from the Hess Station were in attendance to offer their support of the Snowmobile Club and to let the Selectmen know they have responded to the letter from the Board regarding excessive signage at the station.
Chairman Colbert asked Lisa to send a memo to the Planning Board asking for verification of the specific signage requirements for the Hess Station.

SUBJECT: Road Concerns
PRESENT: David Kenneally-Road Agent

Mr. Kenneally forwarded a draft Snow Plow Contract for the Board to review edit if necessary.  The stop sign on Granny Howe Road has been taken care of.  The placement  was an error by the highway crew. Selectman Arey asked that Mr. Kenneally remind his workers to use proper safety equipment when necessary.  Two driveways on King Road have not been installed correctly.  The occupancy permits have been issued  prior to the road agent’s final approval.  The procedure in place needs to be followed through between the road agent and the building inspector to prevent this from happening in the future.  The Board will discuss it at the next department head meeting.   

SUBJECT: Grading Blackman Road  
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. Blackman

Mr. & Mrs. Blackman shared their concerns for the continued widening of Blackman Road that is occurring when the highway crew grades the road.  Some damage has been down to the bottom step of the “Tea House” and digging has occurred very close to a rare Katalpa Tree.  Selectman Arey suggested the Blackman’s contact the Conservation Commission and work with them to have the tree recorded on the Natural Resources Inventory.  The condition of the stone wall over the bridge was also expressed.  Selectman DeBold stated he would go out to the site and inspect the wall.  The Blackman’s have a concern for the things of the past and wish them to be preserved not just obliterated.  They asked the Board to keep this in mind when doing such work on the road.  Selectman Arey stated he would take a ride on the road with the road agent.  


In response to the note from Ms. Kenneally regarding upcoming workshop opportunities for next year’s Welfare Coordinator the Board took four names under consideration for appointment for next year.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to appoint Donna Stockman as the new welfare coordinator effective January1, 2004. All were in favor. The Board wishes to thank Ms. Kenneally for her years of service.  Lisa will send her a letter and make appoint papers for Donna.

The request for insurance coverage for the town clerk for next year was discussed.  In accordance with the approved warrant article from 1990 Town Meeting the Board honored her request.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to provide 50% of single coverage to the town clerk effective January 1, 2004.  Evelyn will be responsible for paying the difference in cost of a two person policy.  All were in favor.

The Board declined the town clerk’s request for additional software because they feel it’s outside the original intent of the warrant article. It should be put into next year’s budget.   

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to table the Space Needs Committee for this year.  All were in favor.

The final draft of the Employee Policies was discussed.  Lisa will distribute to the departments for their final input.  The Board would like to adopt these at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

The Route 4 Corridor Study Committee will have an additional meeting in October.  Selectman DeBold will let Lisa know when a date has been set.

Selectman DeBold has received some paperwork regarding the insurance claim due to the lightening strike.  He will continue to work on it.
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Chairman Colbert will work on getting the Flanders property posted “No Trespassing”  and the driveway gated.

Lisa asked the Board to consider some work sessions to go over budget preparation.

The departments are working on gathering the information requested for the Mullaney lawsuit.

Minutes of October 1, 2003 were approved as written.  

Payroll and accounts payable were signed.

Mail and e-mail were reviewed.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                Approved  As Written

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